Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Taxpayer money buying Taliban guns aimed at our kids

House of Reps hearing the other day revealed that there are 190,000 U.S. contractors between Iraq and Afghanistan.

Outfits like the infamous Blackwater get millions to perform, for example, security services. They keep their $20-million and hire local Afghanistanis, for maybe
$1-million, to escort convoys of goods coming from our bases in Pakistan to bases scattered around Afghanistan.

Those local "security forces" in turn pay off the Taliban to not shoot at our soldiers as they drive through the mountain passes, bringing food, water, bedding, boots, etc. to the troops.

It's OK, though, for them to shoot at our brave men and women in different spots at different times.

The taliban turns around and buys more weapons with the money channeled from you and I, as taxes, into payment for Blackwater, into local "sub-contractors," into the hands of our enemies.

This is so sick.

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