Monday, June 14, 2010

BP Disaster

I am astonished that Pres. Obama and his team have been so tone deaf on this disaster - more than two weeks ago, I told my husband that the President should have done an Oval Office address to the nation.

I watched 4 - count em' FOUR hours of hearings this weekend about the spill and the way it's impacting Gulf Coast residents. The good news is that there is a lot more help down there than the media is reporting.

The bad news is that 13 different Gov't agencies are involved and it is really the Keystone Kops of oil collection.

I can't help but go back to the GOP mantra of 'deregulation' - we have seen it's impact on Wall Street, in the contracting scandals in the military, in the whole idea that business will regulate itself.

NO IT WON'T!!!!! Capitalism is based on profits - and profits will/must be derived in any way they can - including scrimping on basic structures that keep us all safe.

There has to be a balance between regulating industry and allowing them the profits they need. Being against ALL regulation in a corporation's dream - having just the right amount to keep them on the up and up is the American Dream.

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