Monday, June 21, 2010

Capitalists Recognize Climate Change

While politicians dither about whether there is - or isn't - climate change on the horizon, guess who's already acknowledged its future rammifications and is making changes to accomodate its eventuality?

Holy smokes - it's Business!

For example, the skiing industry, both in Europe and the United States, has seen changes that go back almost 10 years. The Aspen Skiing Co. has tracked milder Novembers and worries about warm periods in March, their big month of "Spring Break" skiing that finally puts them in the black for the year.

Insurance companies, too, those risk-conscious critters, are aware that weather "events" are becoming more frequent, violent and unpredictable. What a spot to be in when your very business is predicting risk for profit!

To read the whole fascinating article, go to

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