Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pay 4 Wars with Social Security

Republican Minority Leander John Boehner says we have to cut Social Security ("entitlement") because we need to pay for the wars in Iraq in Afghanistan.

He wants us to work until we're 70 years 0ld - to pay for wars the GOP started - and never funded.

Years ago, Al Gore was laughed out of Washington when he said Social Security should be put in a "lock Box" because he knew politicians were borrowing from the fund we ALL pay into.

I will NOT work until I'm nearly dead to pay for bogus wars! Afghanistan - yes, because that's where Ben Ladin was. Iraq, $2-Trillion worth - NO, No, No.

Young adults should think this through - until Social Security, children were totally responsible for spoon-feeding & diapering their aging parents. Social Security - for which I paid into all my life - allows me SOME dignity - and allows our children the right to pursue their own lives.

John Boehner is so wrong.

The real solution is to raise the "cap" on earnings - people like me pay 100% of our share of Social Security - but people earning more than $120,000 a year only have to pay for the first $120,000 of their income.

Therefore, people earning, let's say, $240,000 a year only pay 50% into Social Security - yet they get to draw their full benefits.

This is not right - yet neither party has had the courage to tackle this unfairness - because, of course, it's the money from the rich who get them re-elected!

Shame, shame, on both political parties!!

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