Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Fool(s) on the Hill

The Fool on the Hill was a Beatles tune, recorded in 1967.

Today, some 43 years later, we need to pluralize that old Fool to include the absurd Fools in the Senate who are conducting the "confirmation" hearings of Elena Kagan for Supreme Court Justice.

Each political party has taken its own idealogical stance, and no one is budging. Each Senator gets to drone on for at least five minutes, with a prepared speech that often has no relevance to the issue at hand. Then they get another 10 or 15 minutes to question her.

All Senators are perfectly free to ask the EXACT same question as was asked by the last Senator - over and over and over. The woman in question has to smile politely, and answer again - in often the same words as she did 10 minutes prior.

Here's the bottom line on Elena Kagan. Yes - she has no courtroom experience - nor did 38 of our prior 111 Supreme Court Justices. Yes - she is a liberal.

As Lindsay Graham (a Republican) said at the confirmation of Chief Justice Roberts (a Republican), during the Bush administration, "elections have consequences - presidents get to pick their Supreme Court Judges - period."

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