Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Reading the "McChrystals"

So, the former "Dark Ops" General resigned today - I'm thinking it wouldn't take a tea-reader to have figured this one out long in advance.

Prior to heading the operation in Afghanistan, his modus operandi was working "in the dark" - doing dark things, under the radar, threading the needle between legal and what was considered "necessary." His bravado team relished in flaunting the rules and distaining accepted behaviour.

These cats were cool, brave, and outrageous in their design of how to find, interrogate, and kill our oppositiion. That was their mission - and our tacit approval (often framed by feigned ignorance of what they were up to) led them forward, onto greater and greater exploits.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on point of view, once these rebels were required to become legitimate, brought out into the sunlight of the battlefield and put in positions of leadership, their "dark ops" bloodlines could not be contained.

It was a lockerroom mentality of testesterone gone wild - and believe me, I don't condone the ghastly things they did to keep us "safe."

But it is time, if we are the nation of values that we purport to be, that this
dark-side gang be retired.

For a complete picture of what "dark ops" is all about, Read Jane Mayer's true book "The Dark Side," - if you dare - it will change you.

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