Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Let's Talk

The news "media" has gone nuts, competing with each other for the most absurd stories, while those of us, on each side of the aisle, yearn for real conversations about the issues that face our country.

Is Obama "emotional" enough about the BP oil spill? Does Glenn Beck cry too often? Who in the heck gives a crappola!!

The idea for this blog is for thinking Americans to find a partner, across the partisan aisle, with whom to debate. No name calling, no idealogical talking points - just a real conversation, based on facts and ideas, as we know them to be.

I'd like to see each of us reach out, sharing just a bit of our hummanity, so we can come to understand that we are all Americans who desire the best for this wonderful, God given and blessed country.

I'll start.

I'm looking for a Republican woman, a grandmother, who wants to talk about the future, as she sees it, for her grandchildren. I'd like to know if she thinks "trickle down" economics has proven to work for middle class Americans. If so, why? If not, why not?

I'm interested in her views on universal health care. I'd like to know, if she's scared about so-called "Obama-Care," why she's so scared - or what she thinks we should do differently.

From there, the dialogue is open - let's, for Heaven's sake, talk!!


Mommy Dearest said...

I am scared that we will receive terrible health care and we will have to wait an eternity for it

Partisan Pam said...

I can understand your second point because I do think adding the 40-million uninsured will clog up the system - in the bill, I believe they included funding for nurse practitioner and other medical training programs, so that will help a bit.

I don't think our overall health care will suffer. As this is phased in, I"m optimistic that things that don't work will be modified.

Mommy Dearest said...

So far things that don't work in our government have just been bailed out. I am NOT confident that these things that don't work will be modified into things that do work, I am however confident that bandaids will just be put on them until the next generation (your grandchildren) have yet ANOTHER HUGE mess to clean up that they didn't make.

Partisan Pam said...

My grandchildren will be dealt the mess of their forebearors, just as every generation has.

When my generation assumed the helm, we had to face more than 50,000 dead from the pointless Vietnam War, and hundreds of thousands of damaged soldiers, many of whom were homeless due to the gutting of Veteran's benefits.

We had a mess of an economy - from Regan's "trickle down" economics
(which somehow, no matter how often it's tried, just never seems to actually 'trickle down'!), and a major banking scandal, called the "Keating Five" during which 180 banks failed - check out John McCain's involvement in that one.

My own mother lost a major amount of retirement money in the stock market crash of 1987 (maybe 1988 - can't remember).

Deficits, budget shortfalls and the corrupting influence of the intersection of power and money are not unique to this generation, or any since our founding fathers took quill to parchment.

We just know a lot more about it because of the speed of communication.

And therein lies our responsibility - because the Average Joe now knows - what are we each doing about it?